Description: "Why Not" Adventure is a small speciality travel company that works with local hotels, dive shop, and inland travel companies in Mexico, Guaremala, Belize and Honduras. We are best at the tourist corridor south of Cancun to Punta Allen and can offer good advice for most travel tastes.
Description: "Why Not" Adventure's customized travel profile form allowing us to provide you with travel and resort information that best suits travel preferences.
Description: Pelicano Inn is a new hotel constructed during the summer of 1995. It has 38 beautiful rooms, located on the beach. All rooms front to the Caribbean sea or a landscaped courtyard. The hotel boasts a beach front resturant with continental fare and some of the best expresso in town.
Description: Casa De Gopala is a hide-away resort located in Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Casa De Gopala resort is uncommercial, offering a unique atmosphere for travelers in Playa Del Carmen area. 200 feet off the beach, the beauty of the Caribbean is a walk down the sidewalk.
Keywords: gopala, central america, playa del carmen, inexpensive, travel, caribbean, cancun, mexico, hotel, yucatan, beachfront, cozumel, resort, vacation, accomodations, cheap
Description: Blue Parrot Inn is a beautiful resort located at the north end of the beach in Playa Del Carmen. Blue Parrot is right on the beach, roviding a laid back atmosphere for a wonderful getaway.
Description: The area of Playa Del Carmen provides travelers with many avenues of enjoyment. This is description of the area and a map showing where Quinta Mija is situated.
Description: Hotel Ojo De Agua is a small beachfront resort located in the small town of Puerto Morelos. The hotel has a pool on the beach, resturant and is within walking distance of town and many other resturants.
Keywords: puerto morelos, tulum, akumal, quintana roo, punta allen, adventure, scuba, diving, central america, playa del carmen, resort, relaxation, travel, caribbean, cancun, mexico, hotel, accomodations, exotic, yucatan, cozumel, beachfront, waterfront, pool, vacation
Description: A resort and community center located in the Yucatan Peninsula designed to provide a natural and supportive environment for individuals and groups searching for relaxation and wellbeing within the context of personal growth.
Description: Bayman Bay Club is a beautiful resort in Honduras. It is located on the island of Guanaja of the Bay Islands. This resort is primarily a dive resort with absolute seclusion. With excellent dive boats and crews you can't beat the experience.
Keywords: honduras, bay islands, guanaja, bayman bay, diving, island, scuba, central america, playa del carmen, resort, relaxation, travel, caribbean, beachfront, waterfront, vacation
Description: Classical Woodcarving to the Finest European Standards. My workshop specializes in hand carving for architecture, carved furniture and accessories executed to the most discriminating standards.
Keywords: art, woodcarving, gothic, norwegian, baroque, macartney, phillip odden, george kielhoffer, architecture, hand made, european
Title: Lighthouse Technology, Inc. Home Page, Reboot, Remote Boot, Power Cycle Cold Boot, Boot,
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Big Dog's Human Resource Development Page
Description: An on-line manual for implementing a system type training program. Also contains Human Resource Developmnet documents, resources, and articles.
ALIWEB-Title: Allen Matheson - Photography Exhibit
Description: Photography Exhibit featuring several landscape and animal pictures, as well as aircraft, hot air balloons, and other miscellaneous photographs.
Keywords: photo, photograph, photography, photographer, picture, landscape, nature, animal, wildlife, hot air balloon, aircraft, Blue Angels, alligator, egret, marmot, squirrel, zoo, waterfall, flora, flowers, hibiscus, mountain, lake, crow, birds, Minolta, Hawaii, Colorado, Mexico, Brazos Bend, Ar
mand Bayou, Texas, Ellington, Clear Lake, sunrise, sunset, color, art, artist, akmathes, Allen Matheson
Title: Allen Matheson - Photography Exhibit
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Allen Matheson - Computer Graphics
Description: Computer Graphics pictures based on some strange fractal algorithms
Description: General information about the Clear Lake, Texas area
Keywords: Clear, Lake, Texas, Houston, information, places, events, hotels, akmathes, Allen Matheson
Title: Clear Lake, Texas, Area Information
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Aerial and Satellite Photos of Houston and Clear Lake, Texas
Description: Pointers to several historical and recent aerial views of the Johnson Space Center & Clear Lake area, as well as satellite views of the Houston/Clear Lake/Galveston area.
Keywords: Clear, Lake, Texas, Houston, photography, photograph, photo, shuttle, satellite, view, picture, pictures, airplane, historical, city, history, Johnson, Space, Center, Manned, Spaceflight, Spacecraft, Apollo, Gemini, earth, akmathes , Allen Matheson
Title: Aerial and Satellite Photos of Houston and Clear Lake, Texas
ALIWEB-Title: Style - A practical Type Checker for Scheme
Admin-Name: Andreas Zeller
Description: This paper describes an new tool for finding errors in R4RS-compliant Scheme programs. A polymorphic type system in the style of Damas & Milner (1982) with an additional maximum type is used to type Scheme code. Although Scheme is dynamically typed, most parts of programs are statical
ly typeable; type inconsistencies are regarded as hints to possible programming errors. The paper first introduces a type system which is a careful balance between rigorous type safety and pragmatic type softness. An efficient and portable implementation based on order sorted unification in Scheme
is then described. We obtained very satisfactory results on realistic programs, including the programs in Abelson, Sussman & Sussman (1985).
Keywords: Scheme, type systems, programming style
Record-Last-Modified-Date: Thu, 28 Dec 95 01:01:11 +0100
ALIWEB-Title: Die inferenzbasierte Softwareentwicklungsumgebung NORA
Admin-Name: Andreas Zeller
Description: Wiederverwendung von Altsoftware - ebenso wie fruehzeitige Qualitaetssicherung bei Neuentwicklungen - erfordert komplexe Analysen und intelligente Werkzeuge. Die experimentelle Softwareentwicklung NORA strebt deshalb die Nutzbarmachung neuer Ergebnisse im Bereich Unifikationstheorie u
nd Deduktionsverfahren fuer Softwarewerkzeuge an. Gruppiert um eine Bibliothek wiederverwendbarer Softwarekomponenten bietet NORA interaktive Werkzeuge zum Komponentenretrieval mit Spezifikationen und Verwendungsmustern, zum unifikationsbasierten Konfigurationsmanagement sowie zur Inferenz von Vari
anten- und Konfigurationsstrukturen aus existierenden Quelltexten. NORA ist mit sprachspezifischem Wissen parametrisiert und kann unvollstaendige oder inkonsistente Information handhaben. Der Aufsatz beschreibt die Werkzeuge und die verwendeten Inferenzverfahren; abschliessend werden die Systemarc
hitektur und die Kommunikation zwischen den Werkzeugen skizziert.
Keywords: Module und Schnittstellen, Softwarebibliotheken, Restrukturierung, Versionskontrolle, Konfigurationsmanagement, Deduktion und automatisches Beweisen, Wissensrepraesentation, Komponentenretrieval
Record-Last-Modified-Date: Thu, 28 Dec 95 01:40:25 +0100
ALIWEB-Title: Incremental Configuration Management Based on Feature Unification
Admin-Name: Andreas Zeller
Description: We apply feature logic to the problem of incremental configuration management. Feature logic has originally been developed in computer linguistics as a knowledge representation and inference mechanism. It offers a uniform formalism for the description of variants and revisions, where s
ets of versions rather than single versions are the basic units of reasoning. Feature logic thus opens a whole algebra of version sets, which includes specific configurations as special cases. Our approach allows for interactive configuration management, where a configuration thread is constructed
by adding or modifying configuration constraints until either a complete configuration or an inconsistency can be deduced. A set of versions of a software component can be represented and processed as a single source file enriched with preprocessor statements. Thus, our tool can be used as an intel
ligent front end to more traditional techniques.
Keywords: Software configuration management, version control, deduction and theorem proving, knowledge representation formalisms and methods
Record-Last-Modified-Date: Thu, 28 Dec 95 01:00:56 +0100
ALIWEB-Title: Configuration Management with Feature Logics
Admin-Name: Andreas Zeller
Description: Feature logics, when used in a software configuration management system, can be used to identify and select versions by their respective features, unifies variant and revision handling, helps detecting configuration conflicts and allows dealing with incomplete configuration specificati
ons. In our model, components are tagged with feature terms, describing their features (or non-features) and identifying both revisions and variants. Selection is done by specification and incremental refinement of the desired features. When a system is to be composed, feature unification infers th
e set of valid configurations. This set may be presented as an interactive control panel for selecting the final configuration. A prototype, using the C Preprocessor representation for smooth transition from ``classical'' approaches, has been implemented as part of the NORA software development sy
Keywords: Software configuration management, version control, deduction and theorem proving, knowledge representation formalisms and methods
Record-Last-Modified-Date: Thu, 28 Dec 95 01:40:23 +0100
ALIWEB-Title: On the Inference of Configuration Structures from Source Code
Admin-Name: Andreas Zeller
Description: We apply mathematical concept analysis to the problem of infering configuration structures from existing source code. Concept analysis has been developed by German mathematicians over the last years; it can be seen as a discrete analogon to Fourier analysis. Based on this theory, our t
ool will accept source code, where configuration-specific statements are controlled by the preprocessor. The algorithm will compute a so-called concept lattice, which - when visually displayed - allows remarkable insight into the structure and properties of possible configurations. The lattice not
only displays fine-grained dependencies between configuration threads, but also visualizes the overall quality of configuration structures according to software engineering principles. The paper presents a short introduction to concept analysis, as well as experimental results on various programs.
Description: Die experimentelle Softwareentwicklung NORA strebt die Nutzbarmachung neuer Ergebnisse im Bereich Unifikationstheorie und Deduktionsverfahren fuer Softwarewerkzeuge an. Gruppiert um eine Bibliothek wiederverwendbarer Softwarekomponenten bietet NORA interaktive Werkzeuge zum Komponenten